Monday, September 13, 2021


Philippines is an archipelago consisting of 7,640 islands divided by three geographical divisions called: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao- with its capital city, Manila. Philippines was colonized by the Spaniards, Americans, Japanese, and was later on freed with the help of the Americans. Due to those colonizations in the past, cultures and beliefs were adapted by the Filipino peoples and is still put to practice until the present. From religion, up to beauty standards. Filipino culture is diverse and varying from region to region, but one of the most outstanding culture was, the culture of courtship.


Filipino courtship is poetic. Back in the days, when a certain guy wants to court a woman, he will send a poem or letter to the girl he fancies together with gifts as his way of professing his affection. Another one is called “bigay-kaya” where a man will give his all just to prove his love and dedication to a woman. This involves; wooing also the parents, offering his service, and giving grandiose gifts as a sign of determination to prove himself, as a capable suitor. This usually happens if a man wanted to marry a woman.

There was also a thing called “harana,” probably the most popular traditional courtship- where a man used to travel to a woman’s house with his company and a guitar to serenade her with love songs as his way of confession.



Courtship used to be a serious matter, with men putting all the efforts and giving their best in pursuing women. Looking back and comparing how courtship used to be, to the courtship of today, none of those were put to practice anymore. As the world modernize, Filipino people failed to preserve that tradition. They became westernized as technology advances with the influence of western dramas.

Modernization is not bad, so is preserving a tradition. Though it’s the thought that counts, the traditional way of courtship was undeniably more sincere, and more serious compared to the courtship of today. From men putting much effort on wooing women, to effortless courtship through social media.


Modernization and preserving traditions can both be possible if people really wanted it to happen. Like Japan for example. Japan has coexisting futuristic inventions and thousands of years old traditions. They modernize while preserving their culture. Philippines could be just like that, but since most Filipino people prefer to adapt other cultures and traditions instead of preserving their own, this will lead to a possible death of a tradition.


Philippines is an archipelago consisting of 7,640 islands divided by three geographical divisions called: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao- with...